History Day Research in Minnesota will walk you through the process of researching your History Day project.
It provides guidance for the research process and recommends research sources available to you as a Minnesota resident.
This site is divided into six sections which can be viewed in chronological order or individually. Go to the home page to get started and to navigate between sections.
You'll also find a helpful tool, Research Notes, to keep track of your progress.
Research Notes will help you chart your progress through your History Day projects. There are three options. Choose the one that works best for you.
Download and save a copy of this document to record information on your History Day project.
Create an account on the Research Project Calculator and save this template to your account. After saving a copy, record your History Day research notes in the "Notes" field/column.
Download and print off this booklet. Fill in the blanks to track your research progress. This option folds down into a pocket-sized booklet.
Good luck on your History Day research project and don't forget to have fun!