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Are you planning to bring your students to the University of Minnesota Libraries for History Day research?

Thanks for using the History Day Research in Minnesota site with your students. It will help your students to design more challenging topics and be more successful in conducting research. 

This site is divided into six sections which can be viewed in chronological order or individually.  Use the left hand menu to navigate between sections.

History Day Research Notes

You can direct your students to use Research Notes to keep track of their progress. There are three options. Choose the one that works best for your classroom.


  • Research Notes Document

    • Download and save a copy of this document to record information on your History Day project.


  • Research Notes on the RPC

    • Create an account on the Research Project Calculator and save this template to your account. After saving a copy, record your History Day research notes in the "Notes" field/column.


  • Research Notes Booklet

    • Download and print off this booklet.  Fill in the blanks to track your research progress. This option folds down into a pocket-sized booklet. 

Student Learning Outcomes

Each of the six sections of this site is built around learning objectives and intended outcomes. 


1. Understanding The Theme 
Student Learning Outcomes: 

After completing Section 1: Understanding the Theme, a student should be able to:

  • restate the concepts included within the annual theme in one’s own words; and

  • recognize why and how the sample topics provided relate to the annual theme.

2. Choosing & Narrowing A Topic 
Student Learning Outcomes: 

After completing Section 2: Choosing & Narrowing a Topic, a student should be able to:

  • identify a topic that is both relevant to the annual History Day theme and addresses a personal interest; and

  • demonstrate narrowing a broad topic to one that is more focused and specific.

3. Research Questions & Search Terms
Student Learning Outcomes: 

After completing Section 3: Research Questions & Search Terms, a student should be able to:

  • sketch a concept map of a topic;

  • derive and write research questions based on the concept map;

  • identify the key concepts within the research questions; and

  • create a list of search terms using the key concepts.

4. Background & Context
Student Learning Outcomes: 

After completing Section 4: Background & Context, a student should be able to:

  • locate basic information related to search terms; and

  • synthesize information from several sources into a basic understanding of the topic at hand.

5. Gathering Sources 
Student Learning Outcomes: 

After completing Section 5: Gathering Sources, a student should be able to:

  • relate the different types of research sources available;

  • examine different types of sources for content related to one’s topic;

  • recognize that different types of sources result in achieving a more in-depth understanding of a research topic; and

  • evaluate the relevancy of each type of source to one’s research topic.

6. Bibliography 
Student Learning Outcomes: 

After completing Section 6: Bibliography, a student should be able to:

  • recognize the significance of a bibliography in research and its requirement in History Day projects;

  • locate online tools that assist in creating bibliographies and teach proper formatting in MLA and APA styles; and

  • identify citations generated in article databases.

Recommended Sources and Research Tools


This site recommends a number of research sources that are paid for by Minnesota taxpayers and contain reliable research content. These sources are databases in the Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM). They are available to any Minnesota student or researcher on the History Day page of the ELM website and include: 



To learn more about the ELM databases recommended for History Day research check out the brief video below.

We also have History Day trading cards to help students remember which databases to use for History Day research.  If you'd like to order a bundle for your students, please use our order form. There is no charge for the cards or delivery!

And finally, we briefly discuss the National History Day organization as well as the National History in Minnesota website within this site.

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